From April 22 (Earth Day) to May 17 (Bike to Wherever Day), every school day will be a WNR day!! We are doing a little friendly competition between classes to walk/roll the most. We will also track the total distance walked/rolled and CO2 emission savings by the students!
There will be class prizes and individual rewards. To make things equitable, walking the 0.25 miles from Target counts as well! You can park 0.25 miles away from the school in any direction and it will count. Remember, this is an honor system!
We are planning to use the website to track participation during this and future WnR events. A tag with a QR code will be sent with your child in the week of April 15th. Students will use this QR code to participate in the event every morning when they walk/roll to school during these 4 weeks. Please complete this registration form to help us get a correct estimate of the distance walked/rolled by students.
Optional: Parents can also sign up for notifications via email/text when their student reaches school. Please also check the FAQs at the bottom of this page.
If you have more questions, please email us at
Individual Rewards: Each student gets a special charm for reaching the below milestones during these 20 days:
Class Prizes: Classes divided in 3 groups: (K-2), (3-5) and (6-8) to make it equitable.
The top class in each group (based on Avg # of trips/student) gets an ice cream party.
A big THANK YOU to those that participated in the WNR Marathon! The students collectively did ~3700 miles (that is the distance from Steindorf to Alaska!! ) and avoided ~3400 pounds of carbon. Over 70% of you participated and we averaged over 200 participants per day! And, most importantly, we did it safely! We hope you are inspired to continue Walking and Rolling to school!
The winning classes that won an ice cream party:
We hope you all had fun during the WNR Marathon! And please keep on walking and rolling rest of the school year, this summer and next fall
Periodic Walk/Bike Trains to School (led by parent volunteers every Thursday during the WnR Marathon):
● Walk/Bike from Butcher Park (Ross/Hallmark)
● Walk/Bike from Doerr Park (Custer/Potrero)
● Bike from Andoil gas station (Bascom/Woodard)
A bunch of reasons:
To track student participation during WNR events. One cannot improve what one cannot measure. We need to get an accurate count of # of students participating, and this website/app is a safe and convenient way of doing it.
Registration is a one-time activity and has the following benefits:
Registration is not mandatory but highly recommended. As mentioned in the other FAQs, it is absolutely safe w.r.t. privacy and helps us estimate accurately the cumulative distance walked/rolled by our students as a group.
If you still decide not to register, your child can still participate and get rewards. However, a default distance of 0.5 mi will be assigned to them.
This App is specifically designed to be used for WNR tracking. A lot of schools across the US use this app. It has also been reviewed by the district and approved for our School to use. We specifically mention not to provide any personally identifiable information (e.g.: real names of students) to maintain your family’s privacy. All that is asked is the distance of your child’s commute (to get a correct estimate of total distance traveled and CO2 saved).
Some privacy laws require us to get a physical signed consent form from parents when any personally identifiable information is used on an external website for kids under 13 yrs. If you use your child’s real name, you will need to submit a physical copy of the consent form to school, and the school will need to save it until we use the site. Due to the same reasons, the school district also suggested that we do not use Students’ real names and keep it anonymous.
Plus, we think it is more fun if children come up with cool names different from their own just for WNR
Yes, you can fix that. Just redo the registration again using the same Student ID (Barcode). It will overwrite all previous info. The only thing is you will need to use a new username. If you would like to keep the same username, you can email us at with your username and correct distance and we will update it in the system for you.
Yes, we are able to update it. There are 2 ways to do this:
1. Re-submit the registration form with the username that you would like to use (dont forget to use the correct student ID for matching).
2. Email us the username that you would like, and student ID of your child(ren) and we can do it at our end.
This happens because we approved your student's account already since we did not have time to wait for the consent form. Please reach out to us at and we can work out the next steps.
Unfortunately, the system does not allow back dated trips.
If they remember their student ID, they can ask the scanning volunteer to enter it manually in the app. It is the same as scanning the QR code.
You can request a replacement tag by submitting a simple request here:
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